Thursday, March 25, 2010

Quote CX

"There are no good laws but such as repeal other laws."

President Andrew Johnson (1808-1875), our last Independent executive, who martyred his presidency in order that he not be guilty of destroying our Constitution or have a part in the post-bellum alienization of the American South.

1 comment:

Mark D. said...

A good sentiment to have. I don't think that President Johnson's view is always right -- a prudent conservative is open to change and reform. But the president's sentiment is a good one to have as a default position whenever considering a change in laws. The best reform is the one that removes barriers to individual action and individual liberty.

St. Augustine (by Sandro Botticelli)

St. Ignatius Loyola (by Francisco Zurbaran)

Benjamin Rush (by Charles Willson Peale)

Patrick Henry at the Virginia House of Burgesses (by Henry Rothermel)

Edmund Burke (by Sir Joshua Reynolds)

Samuel Adams (by John Singleton Copley)

Alexander Hamilton (by John Trumbull)